10 Jackson Street Factoria, Krugersdorp

Designing For Galvanizing

Designing for


FAQ Image

01.Where to Start?

When designing a structure which is to be hot dip galvanized, it must be borne in mind that articles are immersed into and withdrawn from a bath of molten zinc heated to a temperature of 450°C.

02.Design & Fabrication

Design and fabrication is required to conform to acceptable standards which apply, regardless of whether a galvanized or a painted coating is to be applied.

03.Additional Requirements

In the case of hot dip galvanizing, some additional requirements which aid access and drainage of molten zinc, will improve the quality of the coating and also reduce costs.

04.Extra Holes

With certain fabrications, holes which are present for other purposes may fulfil the requirements of venting of air and draining of zinc; in other cases it may be necessary to provide extra holes for this purpose.

05.Complete Protection

For complete protection, molten zinc must be able to flow freely to all parts of the surfaces of a fabrication. With hollow sections or where there are internal compartments, the galvanizing of the internal surfaces eliminates any danger of hidden corrosion occurring in service.


In addition to using the correct specifications in terms of coating requirements, the steel chemistry should be of a quality suitable for galvanizing.